
Bumblebee position - static and dynamic mode bodyflying position. Symmetrical body form. It is possible to use that position for the flying on a low, middle and high wind speed. Wind blows mostly to the front side of the body.

In that position very important to keep wind on the back side of your arms. In this case, the hands should be between a tense and relaxed state.

Legs: Bend them at the knees and pull them up to your chest, creating a compact pose. The legs should be slightly apart, like a bumblebee's, to provide better aerodynamic drag and stability.

Body: Keep a slight forward tilt, but try not to “fall” down. The position of the head is also important: it should be held with the chin up.

Hands: Hold them in a position that helps you maintain balance and control movement. Do not try to actively move your hands, they should be calm but controlling.


Bumblebee position (keeps knees together).

Middle wind speed.

Leo Volkov demonstrate Bumblebee position

(knees not together) to the student.

Low-Middle wind speed.

Bee position.

I use it for the training sensations - how the wind blowing

to the back side of your arms. Low wind speed.

Something i teaching to get sensations. Low wind speed.

Bumblebee position. Low wind speed.

I helps to my student to do front direction transit from Bumblebee position to Back Neutral position.

Low wind speed.

Bumblebee position carving.

Hight wind speed.

Bumblebee position (knees keeps together) 4 sides view.

Middle wind speed.


Bumblebee position:

How to train

Training Bee position from Boat/Seal position:

Frigate to Bee position hands:

Frigate to Bee position hands

and Bee carving via Seal position:

From Boat position during slowly carving do transit to Bumblebee position hands (one hand in Bumblebee position another hand in a Boat position):

Training Bee and Sloth position

hands (one by one) during the carving:

Training Bumblebee hands during the carving:

During carving in a position like a Seal do transit to Bumblebee position:

During carving in a position like a Catobumblebee do transit to Bumblebee position:

Seal and Catobumblebee positions carving to Bumblebee position carving:

My student has a slightly wrong arms position in this video (it is possible to fly also like this - but not comfortable):

My student has a slightly wrong head position in this video:

When you will be more confident in a Bumblebee carving

(with a wide legs) try to switch directions:

Very confident Bumblebee carving and switching direction:

My student train Bumblebee carving

(with a Cat style legs) with switch directions:

Bumblebee carving with movement upward/downward and swithing direction:

Bumblebee carving arms accent:

Exercise which lift your Bumblebee position

balance skill to the "several floors up" - move along a square trajectory (forward, left-sideward, backward, right-sideward):

Bumblebee and Cat position training fragments:

How to use

Transits chains Mantis-Cat-Bumblebee and Bumblebee-Cat-Mantis:

Bumblebee flair

(i also use when wind to back a lot Scarab position):

Transits between Bumblebee - Dragon positions during carving:

Combo with Bumblebee positions:

Front Layout (frozen style) through the Mantis, Bumblebee, Bear positions:

Combo with Baby Dragon and Bumblebee positions:

During the anti-clockwise direction carving in a left side Sloth position, i am doing transit to the right side Sloth position, through position Langust or Bumblebee, and after stopped the carving, next do all the same but to the opposite direction and opposite sides.

How to training breaker using

Bumblebee and Sloths positions carving:

We just mix Bird and Bee position carving and get Langust position carving!

Transit from Bumblebee to Back Wing position during the carving:

Bumblebee - Mantis swing transits during carving!

Bumblebee - Mantis swing transits:

Bumblebee carving and turnover 180' (opposite breaker):