Banana position - static and dynamic mode bodyflying position. Symmetrical body form. It is possible to use that position for the flying on a low wind speed. Wind blows mostly to the back side of the body.
Banana position 4 sides view.
Low wind speed.
Banana position.
Low wind speed.
Banana position:
Banana position first steps:
I help to my student to find first Banana position balance:
Look to this direction and keep wind on your hands:
Banana carving and switching direction:
My student trying to carving on his back using Banana and Bridge positions:
Start to carving from Banana and have intention to go vertical to the Back Wing position:
Banana/Back Wing position carving and transit to Dragon position carving (carving snake exercise):
Front layout from Mantis to Banana position:
Back layout from Banana to Flying Squirrel position
(through head down positions):
Back layout from Banana to Belly Neutral position:
Back layout from Jet Fighter
to Belly Neutral position (trough Banana position):
Front direction transit (front layout) from Mantis position
to Banana position and next anti-clockwice carving (head to center of a windtunnel) in Banana position:
For start to doing this exercise you need to know several positions: Back Wing, Belly Wing, Hunter, Bird, Banana, Hammock, Langust. You need to know how to carving to both directions in each or mostly of positions.