Baby Dragon position - static and dynamic mode bodyflying position. Symmetrical body form. It is possible to use that position for the flying on a low, middle and high wind speed. Wind blows mostly to the front side of the body.
Baby Dragon position.
Low wind speed.
Baby Dragon position.
Middle wind speed.
Baby Dragon position.
Middle-High wind speed.
Baby Dragon position 4 sides view.
Middle wind speed.
Carving in a position Baby Dragon.
During carving the person watching to net where staying my feet.
Baby Dragon position carving:
360' Body-right direction transit from Belly Neutral to Belly Neutral position through the Baby Dragon position:
180' Body-left direction transit from Hammock to Flying Squirrel position through the Baby Dragon position:
Body-left/right direction transits between belly and back positions through the Baby Dragon position:
Body-left/right direction transits between Hammock and Flying Squirrel positions through the Baby Dragon position:
360' Body-right direction transit from Belly Neutral to Mantis position through the Baby Dragon position:
Baby Dragon - Bird positions pro exercise:
Baby Dragon position transit to Eagle position and next to Mantis position: