
Frigate position - static and dynamic mode bodyflying position. Symmetrical body form. It is possible to use that position for the flying on a low, middle wind speed. Wind blows mostly to the front side of the body.


Frigate position.

Low wind speed.

Look with attention how the arms are in Frigate position. With the back side of your hands to the wind flow!

Frigate position 4 sides view.

Middle wind speed.


Frigate position:

How to train

Training Frigate position arm by arm (first trying):

Frigate, Seal, Bumblebee, Pole positions training during carving:

Training Frigate position (first trying):

Pro exercise fro training Frigate position arms:

How to use

Frigate to Bumblebee position hands:

Frigate to Bumblebee position hands

and Bumblebee carving via Seal position: