
Catobumblebee (Cat and Bumblebee) position - dynamic mode bodyflying position. Symmetrical body form. It is possible to use that position for the flying on a low, middle and high wind speed. Wind blows mostly to the front side of the body.


Catobumblebee (Cat and Bumblebee) position.

Low wind speed.

Catobumblebee (Cat and Bumblebee) position.

Low-Middle wind speed.

Catobumblebee (Cat and Bumblebee) position (stretched legs modification).

Middle-hight wind speed.


Catobumblebee position carving (low speed):

Catobumblebee position carving (stretched legs modification):

How to train

Catobumblebee position enter to carving:

Catobumblebee position carving with movement downward (look to center of net through your arms):

Seal and Catobumblebee positions carving to Bumblebee position carving:

Catobumblebee position carving to Bumblebee position carving:

Catobumblebee position training carving with Chinese team:

Catobumblebee position training vertical carving with Chinese team:

Catobumblebee position training vertical carving with Wanza:

Catobumblebee position training first steps (carving):

Catobumblebee position training carving (knees together):

How to use

Combo which ends by Catobumblebee position carving:

Catobumblebee position carving to Bumblebee position carving:

Langust, Catobumblebee, Bird positions carving on a low wind speed:

Mantis - Catobumblebee swing exercise:

Training Sloth position during carving in Catobumblebee position: