
Mantis position - static and dynamic mode bodyflying position. Symmetrical body form. It is possible to use that position for the flying on a low, middle and high wind speed. Wind blows mostly to the front side of the body.


Mantis position.

Low-middle wind speed.

Mantis position 4 sides view.

Middle-high wind speed.

Mantis position.

Middle wind speed.


Mantis position:

How to train

Mantis position training from the net (jumping up to Mantis):

Enter to flight chamber in Mantis position:

Mantis position in-face carving both directions:

Front direction transit (layout) from Back Neutral position to Mantis position and back direction transit (layout) from Mantis position to Back Neutral position:

Mattress position upward and transit to Mantis position, through the Hedgehog position:

Cat - Mantis - Eagle position smooth transits:

Body-left direction transits between Hedgehog - Mantis positions:

How to use

Bumblebee carving to Mantis position carving:


Bumblebee position carving to Mantis position carving and next back direction transit to Back Neutral position.


Mantis position upward

to Bumblebee position carving downward.

Mantis front layout:

Mantis - Catobumblebee swing exercise:

Bumblebee - Mantis swing transits during carving!

Front flip from Mantis position to Mantis position:

Flip with movement upward in Mantis position - and next Screw with movement upward in Mantis position:

Flip in Mantis position - and next Screw in Mantis position:

Front direction "screw" from Mantis position to Platypus position:

Front direction "screw" from Mantis position to Mantis position smooth - several times - and next back direction "screw".

Front direction transit from Mantis position to Langust position and back, and next front "megascrew (flip and double twists)" from Mantis position to Mantis position.

Front direction transit from Mantis to Mantis very smooth

(like a front flip or front layout):

Extra smooth back "screw" from Hedgehog to Mantis position:


Mantis front layout and next Mantis half-screw trick.


Mantis - Bear.

Mantis - Bear/Langust transits:

Mantis - Bear/Langust transits:

Mantis - Bear transits:

Mantis - Bear transit and rotation:

Mantis - Bear transit and carving:

Mantis screws (flip-twists) training:

Other videos with Mantis position

Special exercises in Mantis position

for development "liquid body" ability:

Mantis position training with Chinese team

Mantis pro exercises with chineese team: