
Cat position - static and dynamic mode bodyflying position. Symmetrical body form. It is possible to use that position for the flying on a low, middle and high wind speed. Wind blows mostly to the front side of the body.


Cat position.

Low wind speed.

At first look, it seems that Cat position is easy - but this is only at first look - it will be difficult enough to find a position balance - and it will take a lot of training time to master Cat position to the fullest, but it will be good to try to train it a little - for getting new experience, which help you to do next positions better.

Cat position 4 sides view.

Middle-high wind speed.


Cat position:

Cat position (hight wind speed):

Cat position rotations:

Cat position downward:

How to train

Transit from Flying Squirrel position to Cat position:

Cat - Mantis - Eagle position smooth transits:

Cat position demonstration:

How to use

Transit from Back Neutral positions to mix of positions like Belly Neutral and Cat:

360' Body-right direction transit

from Cat to Cat position on a low wind speed:

360' Body-left direction transit

from Cat/Mantis to Cat/Mantis position on a low wind speed: