Dragon position - static and dynamic mode bodyflying position. Symmetrical body form. It is possible to use that position for the flying on a low, middle and high wind speed. Wind blows mostly to the front side of the body.
Dragon position.
Low wind speed.
Dragon position.
Middle wind speed.
Dragon position.
Middle-High wind speed.
Dragon position.
High wind speed.
Dragon position:
Start to training Dragon position
through the Shrimp position exit:
Transit from Belly Neutral to Dragon position:
Dragon position carving with switch direction:
Dragon position movement downward:
Dragon position training with everyone:
Dragon position PRO level training:
Dragon - Armadillo - Roof transits chain:
Front direction transit from Dragon to Back Neutral position:
Dragon - Bird positions pro exercise:
Dragon - Bird positions pro exercise:
Back direction layout from Back Wing position to Dragon position carving and then front direction layout from Dragon position to Back Wing position carving.
Dragon positions wave exercise:
Front direction layout trough the head from Dragon position to Back Neutral position:
Training transits Dragon - Parrot, Dragon - Roof position:
Start in Dragon position rotate around your head - with the speed of rotations do slowly transit to positions like Belly Wing and do your legs wide - keep wind on you belly! Next stop rotation by transit to Dragon position and freeze - next do all to another direction:
Transits between Dragon and Bear/Key positions:
Front direction layout is from Dragon to Key/Back Wing position and anti-clockwise carving and back direction layout from Key/Back Wing to Dragon position:
Dragon screen-wiper and next Dragon walking: