(1) Movement forward with back direction transit from Mantis to Sit position;
(2) Back direction dynamic transit upward from position Sit to position Bear;
(3) Movement forward in a Bear;
(4) Back direction dynamic transit downward from position Bear to position Mantis.
Here i started back direction layout (through the head)
from Back Neutral position:
After some enough practices "Layout Sun v.2" - you can do Back direction dynamic transits chain around Sun without stops - "Layout Sun v.PRO", using different positions during flying on the trajectory, feeling more free and relaxed:
Layout Sun v.PRO (until wind flow turned off):
Layout Sun v.PRO with Mate Feith together:
Back direction layout around Mate Feith (from door to door):
Back direction layout from Soldier position (through head down positions) to belly wind positions and exit to the door:
Hight Layout from back side of the body to belly side of the body (through the head down positions):
Very hight Layout from back side of the body to belly side of the body (through the head down positions):
Back direction layout from Mattress
to Plywood position (trough the Diver position)
and front direction layout from Plywood to Mattress position
(trough the Diver position) :
Front-back high layouts and next front-back layouts jumping (stretched body positions):
Back direction layout from Back Neutral position
to Belly Neutral position (through the head down positions):