Scarab position - static and dynamic mode bodyflying position. Symmetrical body form. It is possible to use that position for the flying on a low and middle wind speed. Wind blows mostly to the back side of the body.
Scarab Pro position - static and dynamic mode bodyflying position. Symmetrical body form. It is possible to use that position for the flying on a middle and hight wind speed. Wind blows mostly to the back side of the body.
Scarab position.
Middle wind speed.
Scarab position 4 sides view.
Middle wind speed.
Scarab Pro position.
Hight wind speed.
Scarab Pro position (dynamic mode).
Middle wind speed.
Scarab and Scarab Pro position flying
(different bodyflying acts)
Body-left direction transit from Scarab position to Belly Neutral position and body-right direction transit from Belly Neutral position to Scarab position:
Body-right direction "Liquid body turn over" via Crane and Scarab positions:
Beautiful position carving on left side of a body , next change the body side via position like a Scarab Pro during carving, and next side layout via center of a flight chamber to Beautiful position carving on left side of a body:
Mantis - Crane - Aquarius - Scrab - Back Neutral transits chain and back: