Vasilisa have a dream - bodyflying (Leo & Vasilisa)

This is me and i walking around, around wind tunnel.
This is Vasilisa. It's a girl from Russia and she very want to fly in wind tunnel.

And of course, we start with a flying squirrel, because this must be amazing!
Flying squirrel is our first position in wind tunnel.

Yes and of course we need to push to the air, we need to hold air, we need to grab air, we need to do everything with the air and feel free.
To feel free in the air you need to know how to control your body in different body shapes.

Another world, another words. It's.. it's positions! Then the more positions you know then better you fly!
For example, this is gamak position hammock position. Hammock position.
Look to the body, look to the legs, look how to control altitude up and down.
Stretch body - go up.

Okay so, we are already with another exercise.
It's something look like swing.
Swing in the air!
Swing by your body.
Look! This is transit to hammock position, yes and this is swing-swing-swing-swing!

Yeah, okay. Yes in that video i start to.. i choosed the movements. I choosed the movements, i need movements, i need movements with the exercise.. i need movements with the good doing exercise - i need.. i need material!
Yes, it's for videos. I tell it's about videos so..

And Vasilisa is watching this video right now and hear what i speak and i hope on the next training she will be more ready to experiment in the airflow!
Yes, this is we are training dragonfly position. One leg by knee watch to the bottom another leg stretched.

Stretched-stretched-stretched, yes you need to find the body balance. After the buying fine..(lol)
After we found balance, everything will be good.
Yeah, i see it's not so easy, but.. but not give up, not give up!
And God of the Wind will give you possibility to fly! If you not give up, remember this.

Okay, already much better! This is stick insect position. We are training stick insect position! Very good!

This is baby dragon position we're training baby dragon position. Look! Look for the positions.

For example, all positions you can find on our site tunnelsport.com. Just come to the site and find the positions!

Okay so, uh this is a little my flying.. watch for this very good very very good position like parrot, but this is not parrot, but looks like something.. something modification of the parrot. It was. Yes, we start to train this modification with Mate in Budapest.

So oh, this is already ninja position! Ninja-ninja-ninja and this is angel position.
Angel, angel carving, yes..

Okay oh, this is dragon. I asked the controller to give you the maximum speed of the wind! Dragon position.
Maximum speed of the wind and i keep-keep-keep-keep this! Very good.

I need.. op-op! Okay, the time is off and i go.. and i go out from the tunnel!

Okay, My Friends! I wish good flights for everyone - today and always!

Location: Saint-Petersburg, windtunnel «FlyStation»
Date: 27 December 2021
Coaching Level 1-2