
Hammock position - static and dynamic mode bodyflying position. Symmetrical body form. It is possible to use that position for the flying on a low, middle and high wind speed. Wind blows mostly to the back side of the body.

Mattress position - static and dynamic mode bodyflying position. Symmetrical body form. It is possible to use that position for the flying on a extra-low wind speed. Wind blows mostly to the back side of the body.


Hammock position.

Low wind speed.

Hammock position 4 sides view.

Low wind speed.

Hammock position.

High wind speed.

Mattress position.

Extra-low wind speed.

Mattress position movement upward.

Try to be in a body form like you lay on a flat floor - this is maximum back wind surface you can have - and to fly static mode you need the lowest wind ever. If you transit from most of the positions to Mattress position you will move up fast.


Hammock position:

How to train

Hammock position first trying:


Mattress position upward - Hammock position downward.

Body-left transit from Hammock position

to Flying Squirrel position.

More aggressive (pro) version of exercise.

Mattress position upward - Hammock position downward.

We training to do movements in a Hammock position on a very high wind speed:

How to use

180' Body-left direction transit from Mattress position to Flying Squirrel position through the Baby Dragon position:

Front direction transit from Hammock position to Boat position through the Hedgehog and Mantis positions:

Front direction transit from Hammock position to Mantis position through the Hedgehog position:

Body-left direction transit from Flying Squirrel/Plywood position to Hammock position and next trick Drill (rolls):

Back direction layout from Mattress

to Plywood position (trough the Diver position)

and front direction layout from Plywood to Mattress position

(trough the Diver position) :

Hammock position carving and freestyle combo:

Back direction layout from Hammock position to Angel position and next smooth trick "screw" to Hammock position and back direction layout again:

For start to doing this exercise you need to know several positions: Back Wing, Belly Wing, Hunter, Bird, Banana, Hammock, Langust. You need to know how to carving to both directions in each or mostly of positions.