Bodyflying "Step by step" + "Theory"


Step by step:

The product consists of the interactive ebook - more than 250 pages. Accompanied by descriptionsillustrationsimages and videos!

Who is this book for?

  • For beginners
This book helps you to understand all basic steps from belly positions flying to head down positions flying and step by step improve your bodyflying skills.

  • For instructors

You will be able to look and understand what exercises and in what sequence to give to your students.

Download and use this e-Book on your

computer, smartphone or tablet!


The product consists of the interactive ebook - more than 170 pages! It helps you to understand the theory behind bodyflying by explaining the important topics:

  • Windtunnel
  • AirFlow
  • Bodyflyer
  • Bodyflying
  • Positions
  • Movements
  • Transits
  • Tricks

The topics are accompanied by

descriptions, illustrations, images and videos!

Who is this book for?

  • For beginners, professionals and instructors
This book will expand your understanding of bodyflying - for example after studying the materials presented in the book - you will be able to look at any bodyflyer who flying in a windtunnel and explain the trajectory of his movement and the actions he performed!

Also the Bodyflying theory good to know for the using other learning materials to better understanding the descriptions!

  • For everyone

If you like to gain knowledge in various fields of science - this book will open up a new interesting world of bodyflying in a windtunnel!

Download and use this e-Book on your

computer, smartphone or tablet!