exercise № 1.1
Warm Up
Back Wing pos. car. jumps
Watch video - you know this exercise !

Wind Speed: Low-Middle
exercise № 1.2
Warm Up
Langust pos. carv. jumps
Watch video - you know this exercise !

Wind Speed: Low-Middle
exercise № 1.3
Warm Up - Drills
Start from Hammock position - try to do how many rolls you can - and save body line direction!

Wind Speed: Low
exercise № 2.1
Right-left hand sunwheel
So - here - easy my friend - you know that:
Back flip - left hand sunwheel - Back flip - right hand sunwheel

Wind Speed: Middle
exercise № 2.2
Right-left hand sunwheel + Megascrew
Back flip - left hand sunwheel - Back flip - right hand sunwheel + Megascrew!

Wind Speed: Middle
exercise № 3.1
Helicopter exorcism
You know how to do it in one direction of rotation! Try now both!

Wind Speed: Middle-Hight
exercise № 4.1
Demon or Langust freeze after fall
Watch video! have a speed to fall down! And next freeze in position Demon or Langust!

Wind Speed: Hight
exercise № 5.1
Visual leg trick
Watch video! Langust position jumping - next fall down in Beautifull position and next do Liquid body turn over and freeze with one leg down!

Wind Speed: Middle
exercise № 6.1
Dust devil rotation
Keep Dust devil position on the ground. Remember it! Next start to rotate in windtunnel!

Wind Speed: Middle-Hight
exercise № 7.1
Lay on belly Neutral position - start to do front Lay out and in moment when your head start to be down more than 45 degree - do Screw!

Wind Speed: Low-Middle
exercise № 8.1
Arms-legs wind gliding
Very good exercise for start to real feeling plastic of air!
Ice Skater positions change sides!

Wind Speed: Hight
exercise № 8.2
Ice Skater carving
Carving in Ice Skater position - next change the side of position via movement body to opposite side of windtunnel

Wind Speed: Middle
exercise № 9.1
Start from Angel position - start to create impulse Up - and do Gyroscope!

Wind Speed: Middle
exercise № 10.1
Enter - Exit (ninja - sloth)
So look video my friend! You enter to windtunnel via lay-out, next when your body vertical (diver position) - you start to do side transit to Ninja position (but not stoped in Ninja) and continuer to do side transit to Sloth position and freeze! Next you do this chain of tricks like rewinding a cassette!

Wind Speed: Low-Middle
exercise № 11.1
Push airflow and keep the position
Do it like on video! Keep the position!

Wind Speed: Hight