Shuttlecock position change legs via Slingshot position!
Wind speed: Hight

(1.1) You keep Shuttlecock position (for example with left leg on the front side of the body and right leg on the back side of the body)

(1.2) Next you slowly do transit to Slingshot position and keep it for 2 seconds !

(1.3) Next slowly transit to Shuttlecock position but with opposite legs
( now right leg on the front side of the body and left leg on the back side of the body )

(1.4) Next the same chain many-many times! It will be boring - but you need to do it well - and the progress is coming!
If you feel that you tired to be head down - too much blood to the head - transit to the soldier position and keep it for like 10 seconds!

Shuttlecock position rotations!
Wind speed: Hight

(2.1) You keep Shuttlecock position (for example with left leg on the front side of the body and right leg on the back side of the body)

(2.2) Next you start to rotate (first time do it slowly) to direction where you front leg in Shuttlecock position! For example you do 3 rotations and next you need to stop rotations via change legs and start to rotation to other side!

Carving in a Belly Wing position and Helicopter
Wind speed: Middle

(3) You start to carving in a Belly Wing position - next in one time you start to spinning in the center of windtunnel with transit to Shuttlecock position (If you carving to the left side body direction forward - so when you do transit to Shuttlecock position use left leg in the front side of body). Next stop the rotation via transit to other legs directions Shuttlecock position ! Body must be relaxed and liquid!
Lay Out - Angel position - Right/Left hand Megascrew
Wind speed: Middle

(4.1) You do Lay Out and freeze in Angel position - next you do right hand Megascrew!
- For the right hand Megascrew you need to 3 rotations trough the one Flip and finish in Angel position!

(4.2) Next you do Lay Out and freeze in Angel position - next you do left hand Megascrew!
- For the left hand Megascrew you need to 2 rotations trough the one Flip and finish in Angel position!
Bird position carving
Wind speed: Low

(5) Carving in a Bird position to left direction , next stop carving and no change the position start to carving in right direction!

Beauty-Bird position carving
Wind speed: Middle

(6) It is a mix of two positions - Bird position and Beautiful position! Wind speed more powerful and you turn your Bird position to the side and continuer to carving - it will be Beauty-Bird position! (Try to carving in a both directions)
Deep Sloth position carving to backward direction
Wind speed: Low-Middle

(7.1) You keep Deep Sloth position and carving to the back side of the body (next change direction of carving via transit to another side of Deep Sloth position)

(7.2) Now you do Lay Out and next keep Deep Sloth position and carving backward direction some seconds and next short transit to Banana position and do Lay Out and again full chain!

Now you do Lay Out and next keep Deep Sloth position and carving backward direction some seconds and next short transit via Banana position to Colibri position and Freeze!
Wind speed: Middle

(8) You keep Deep Sloth position and carving to the face direction and next do Breacker (both directions)

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