1. Front megascrew

Once you master the flip twist technique, it will be easy for you to understand how to perform the Megascrew (flip-double-twist). I will even say more - doing the Megascrew will become much easier than a regular flip twist. So, watch the videos linked below, absorb the information, and store it in your mind. You’ve got this!

Long session how we (me and Tata) starts to training megascrew from Mantis position:
Me and Mate practicing screw (flip-twist) and starts to training megascrew from Mantis position:
Me long warm up and next do Megascrew:
Screw and Megascrew fron position look like Crane:
Megascrew from net:
Megascrew from Boat position swinging on a low wind speed:
Megascrew during fall down from "Angel stop" with arms on the body-sides :
Megascrew during fall down from "Angel stop" slow-mo and finishing at Ninja position:
Megascrew from Dragon position:
Megascrew from position look like Armadillo:
Front/Back Megascrew training with Chinese team:
Front Megascrew ART way:

2. Back megascrew

Doing a back Megascrew is easier than doing a back flip-twist. So, watch the exercises and see how I perform it. Since you have already developed the technique, executing this element will not be difficult for you.

Back megascrew from net:
Back megascrew with arms on a sides:
Back megascrew slow-motion:
Back megascrew slow-motion with arms HOLD-UP:
Back megascrew with arms on a body-sides:
Back megascrew from Star position: