By clicking on the buttons from the menu - you will go to the selected page:
By clicking on this button - you will return to the menu:
By clicking on these buttons - you will go to the web browser pages:
1 - Description and information.
2 - Photos and illustrations.
3 - Videos and exercises (how it looks, how to train, how to use).
The more bodyflying positions (body forms in the wind flow) you know - the better and smoother your bodyflying!
In the book you can see an approximate path from position to position (step by step). Some positions can be skipped and returned to later. However, the positions of a body orientation in the wind flow, such as: Belly Neutral position, Back Neutral position, Sit position, Bear (and/or Shuttlecock) position - it is unlikely that you will be able to skip them!
Over the years of practice, I have noticed that different exercises are useful for different people, depending on their temperament, age, physical fitness, attentiveness, personal experience and fear of performing the exercise and many other factors, right down to the mood on a particular training day.
The book presents all sorts of exercise options for training bodyflying positions and their use in various bodyflying situations (acts, elements, tricks)! Choose for yourself or your students - those that you like! Watch the videos carefully - look closely at the details and read the explanations!
Learning any bodyflying positions is a gradual process - that is, it will not happen that you will be able to completely master any bodyflying position and fly in this bodyflying position at different speeds. It will take a lot of practice for the body to fully adapt to the air flow. When flying becomes easy and pleasant - it means the body has adapted!
For example:
You can start mastering the Dragon bodyflying position, do several exercises and thereby gain the first experience for subsequent steps, and after gaining other experience and learning other bodyflying positions (including flying at a higher wind speed), return to training the Dragon position again.
Once you click on button 1 or 2 or 3 on one of the pages in the book, you will be taken to the corresponding educational materials on the website:
Button 4 opens the page menu
The training materials are regularly supplemented and improved. New videos, images and explanations for them appear.
For example:
Today you see 3 videos with exercises for a certain bodyflying position, and a week later, on the same page you will see 30 videos with added explanations and instructions for performing.
Therefore, the best solution for dynamically changing training materials is to keep them in English on the general pages of the website (which you have access to through the book).
Use the function of translating the text into your native language - any modern browser supports the translation function - one click and the entire page with exercises and explanations will be translated!
In the end of the book you will find additional materials: